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  • Tags: Strawberries

This image shows some wild strawberry growing on a forest floor. The strawberry is surrounded by thick grass and some fallen branches. There is also a layer of fallen leaves on the ground. Written on a piece of tape on the slide is text which reads…

This image shows a farmer posing behind his field of what appears to be strawberries. The farmer is wearing a straw hat and overalls. The field seems to be a smaller fenced in plot of land. This is the same man as seen in 01-071. This image was found…

This image shows a young girl posing for a studio portrait. She wears a headband and top that has strawberries stitched on the shoulder. Bottom left photograph found on Page 26 of the Richardsons of Boone Drug "Privileged Characters" Scrapbook.

This image is stamped "Sept '63." The image shows what appears to be rows of strawberry plants. There is a sign on one of the rows that states "Soil Fumigants Nematode Control." Image in a box labeled Insects & Pests. Box was addressed to DG Harwood…

This image shows a section of ground containing various wild plants and a few small strawberry plants. The photographer's shadow can be seen in the lower right hand corner of the image.

Two potted strawberry plants are being used to test growing rates with and without exposure to the catskill virus. In front of the plant on the left is a sign that reads, "CATSKILL VIRUS INFECTED." In front of the one on the right is a sign that…
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