Ray and Edith Estes Collection


Ray and Edith Estes Collection


This collection was donated by Laura Mallard and Grant Seldomridge to the Digital Watauga Project after they acquired nine local buildings owned by Ray and Edith Estes and found the materials left behind.

This collection consists of over 200 color slides, many of which capture the Estes homes in the Howard's Creek area as well as their time spent in Florida, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. Several slides were professional slides of Hawaii, which were likely purchased by Estes for souvenirs--these were omitted from scanning for copyright safety and because they were not representative of the High Country or the Estes family.

Several slides also show images of Boone parades circa 1960s, mostly from a standpoint near the domed Boone United Methodist Church (present day location of the Turchin Center). The only non-slide item in this collection is a large index card that contains a recipe for All-American Pumpkin Pie.


Ray and Edith Estes


Laura Mallard and Grant Seldomridge


Laura Mallard and Grant Seldomridge have extended use rights to the Digital Watauga Project through a use rights Deed of Gift and retain all other rights to these images. Any reprinting, redistribution, or other use of these images requires written permission from Laura Mallard or Grant Seldomridge. Contact Digital Watauga for additional details.

Collection Items

Students Playing Softball or Baseball #2
This image appears to be another view of the ball game found in previous images in this series (184, 185). It appears the field lights are on, indicating it's evening. This image was found in a plastic box labeled with "Kelly & Green Fast Picture…

Students Playing Softball or Baseball #1
This image appears to be students playing softball or baseball and is similar to images 184 and 181. Both boys and girls are playing. There appears to be some type of netting behind what appears to be the batter. This image was found in a plastic…

School and Sports Field
This image appears to be the school in image 181 in this series and is possibly Gamewell School. Students are possibly playing baseball. This image was found in a plastic box labeled with "Kelly & Green Fast Picture Service". A paper note found in…

Group of Students Playing in Yard
This image appears to be a group of students playing a game in the yard of what appears to be a log structure. Irises are blooming on the side a dirt road that is near the yard. The school appears to be in the background. This image was found in a…

Edith Estes Sitting on a Wagon
This image appears to be of a woman sitting on the wagon that has been in previous images in this series. She is wearing a hat and is dressed in shorts. Her handbag is on the wagon next to her in front of what appears to be a straw hat. A young…

Image of a School and Sports Field
This image appears to be an image of a school and is possilby Gamewell School in Caldwell County, NC. There are four people on what appears to be some type of sports field. The field appears to be lighted as there is a pole with lights at the edge…

Group of People on the Beach
This image appears to be a group of people sitting on blankets on the beach. The man who appears in other images in this series appears to be looking at the photographer. Beside the man appears to be a boy. Behind him are three women and a young…

Image of Small Group of Children
This image appears to be a group of children/students sitting on the wagon found in the previous image (178). There appears to be an adult in a blue and white hat behind the children. This image was found in a plastic box labeled with "Kelly &…

Group Photo of School Children
This image appears to be of a group of children (students) standing on or around a wagon. Both boys and girls are in the image. This image was found in a plastic box labeled with "Kelly & Green Fast Picture Service". A paper note found in the box…

Edith Estes Sitting on Edge of Deck
This image appears to be of the woman who has been in other images in this series (036, 040, 059) and is likely Edith Estes. She is standing on what appears to be a deck. Behind her is what appears to be a small pier into the ocean. This slide has…
View all 186 items


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