Warren Brunner Collection


Warren Brunner Collection


This collection consists of negatives and prints of images taken around Watauga County by author Warren Brunner in the mid 1970s.

These images feature mountain highways, tourist attractions, back yards, and more.

Series 01 consists of 26 photographic prints of scenes throughout Watauga County, particularly in the Valle Crucis vicinity, including several images of the original Mast General Store in Valle Crucis.

Series 03 consists of various contact sheets and negative envelopes.

Series 05 consists of two letters from Warren Brunner as well as a newspaper clipping about Brunner.

Series 06 consists of a single, large print of a man in his workshop at Boone in 1974.


Warren Brunner


Warren Brunner has extended use rights to the Digital Watauga Project through a use rights Deed of Gift and retains all other rights to these images. Any reprinting, redistribution, or other use of these images requires written permission from Digital Watauga. Contact Digital Watauga for additional details.

Collection Items

Portrait of Hardware Man
This black and white image shows an elderly man wearing a hat and glasses as he appears to look out the window. He holds some sort of tool--perhaps a file--in his hands. Behind him on shelves are various other tools and a box of Republic wire nails.…

2046 Negatives Envelope
This image shows the manila envelope that negative sheets labeled 2046 were originally housed in. The envelope reads "2046, 1-74, App State" and "8x10 31 m...." something illegible, and "11-89 1-8x10 10,19."

Ruins, Roads, and Mountain Negatives
This image shows seven rows of negatives, five images per row except for the bottom one which has four. This sheet of negatives has 2046 written in the bottom right corner. The images cover highways, roads, mountain scenes, an abandoned building and…

2045 Negatives Envelope
This image shows the manila envelope that negative sheets labeled 2045 were originally housed in. The envelope reads "2045, 1-74, App State." and "1 8x10 28 old man."

Photos, Gates, and Whittling Negatives
This image shows a sheet of negatives. There are seven rows of images. The first two rows feature photographs of images. There is a row featuring gates and fences. The bottom three rows feature a man carving and another individual. These images can…

2044 Negatives Envelope
This image shows the manila envelope that negative sheets labeled 2044 were originally housed in. The envelope reads "2044, 1-74, App State" and "Boone."

People and Older Homes Negatives
This image shows a sheet of seven rows of negatives, five images in each row. The top rows feature images of people around a home. The middle images feature scenes from around an old wooden structure, maybe a house or barn. The bottom rows of images…

2043 Negatives Envelope
This image shows the manila envelope that negative sheets labeled 2043 were originally housed in. The envelope reads "2043, 1-74, A.S.U." and "Boone."

General Store, People, and Valle Crucis School Negatives
This series shows seven rows of negatives. The top rows feature images from the interior of a store. The middle rows feature images of a schoolhouse and people on Mast General Store property. The bottom rows feature images of Valle Crucis School. On…

2042 Negatives Envelope
This image shows the manila envelope that negative sheets labeled 2042 were originally housed in. The envelope reads "2042, 1-74, App State" and "1 8x10 30 Barn."
View all 73 items


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