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  • Tags: Knoxville--Tennessee

This image shows two men on a couch. Both men are older, balding and wear glasses and collared shirts. The man on the right wears a short sleeve buttoned up shirt and sits with his arms crossed. The man on the left, older, sits with his hands resting…

This image shows a wholesale order for John Ward for Feb 1, 1913 from C. M. McClung & Co., a store located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Items underlines in green ink are items that can be found on other catalog pages. The total for the thirteen items was…

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page featuring different styles of chains. The double twist chain can be seen underlined in green ink because this was the style of chain ordered by John Ward in 1913.

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page of different Cotton Hoes. Both the Handles Cotton Hoe and the Cherokee, Half Polished hoe are underlined, indicating that these were ordered by John Ward. Prices are listed per dozen.

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page of different rakes. The Garden Rake, specifically the No. 114, offering 14 teeth instead of 12, were ordered to the John Ward Store.

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page of different clevises. The green underline indicates that the Plow End Clevis, No.2805 was offered at the Ward Store. This was on page 639 of the McClung & Co. Catalog.

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page of different blind bridles. The bridle on the right is underlined, as is No.150. This would be the type of bridle carried by John Ward in his general store circa 1913. The pricing indicates that a…

This image shows an order for supplies for John Ward on February 3, 1913. Items that can be found in the following catalog pages are underlined in red ink. Some handwriting can be found on the receipt as well, it is unknown if this was original to…

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page of cattle leaders, ox balls, and bull rings. There is a mid-size ox ball underlined that would indicate that these were carried in the John Ward General Store.

This image shows a C. M. McClung & Co catalog page for hog rings and ringers, hog tongs, and animal pokes. The red lines underneath the Hog Rings and Ringers indicates that these items could have been found in John Ward's general store.
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