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  • Tags: Elections

This item is a newspaper clipping detailing the Teen Democratic Convention in Winston Salem. Rufus Edmisten spoke to the group and highlights are included at the end of the article. This item is on the top right on page 68 in Rufus Edmisten's…

This newspaper article details elections in the Teen Democratic Convention in Winston Salem. Rufus Edmisten is noted as a speaker for the event. This item is on the top left on page 68 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on…

This newspaper article was written by Harry DeLung. It mentions that Rufus Edmisten gave a seconding nomination for Pete Harkness. This item is found on the top right and third from the left at the bottom on page 12 in the scrapbook labeled…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel in March 1962 indicating that Rufus Edmisten was elected vice president of Avery Dormitory at UNC-Chapel Hill. He will preside over the judicial court. This item is on the left on page 8 in…

This newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel on May 2, 1962 describes Pete Harkness being elected Student Party Vice-Chairman. At the time it mentions Rufus Edmisten held the position of "majority floorleader in legislature." This item is found on…

This newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel on April 26, 1962 describes an election for Student Party Chairman. It notes that Rufus Edmisten will speak for Pete Harkness. Harkness is noted to be a freshman and a candidate for class president the…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel on March 6, 1962. Rufus Edmisten is mentioned as backing a candidate named Wheless, presumably for student government. It was mentioned that Rufus Edmisten was nominated but chose not to run…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about the selection of delegates for the Democratic National Convention. One of the chosen delegates was Rufus Edmisten who is described in article as disagreeing with some of the party's policy. Most…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's career and future goals. The article opens by discussing Edmisten's possible political aspirations before explaining his role in the Watergate hearings. Both Edmisten's work…

This item is a newspaper clipping with a partial article about Rufus Edmisten's career and future goals. This portion of the article is about Edmisten and Senator Sam Ervin Jr.'s working relationship. There is some information on Edmisten's future…
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