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  • Tags: Lawyers

This item is a newspaper clipping announcing the ceremony to admit Rufus and Jane Edmisten into the North Carolina Bar. Both Sam J. Ervin and his son were present at the ceremony in Charlotte, NC. This item is on the bottom left on page 59 in Rufus…

This item is a newspaper feature of Rufus and Jane Edmisten published in the Journal and Sentinel on September 5, 1971. The feature details the lives and careers of both Rufus and Jane Edmisten up to the early 1970s. This item is found on the top on…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Winston Salem Journal on March 4, 1969. The article features Rufus and Jane Edmisten being admitted to the North Carolina Bar Association in Charlotte, NC. Sam J. Ervin made the motion and his son, Sam J.…

This newspaper clipping details the appointment of Rufus Edmisten to Sam J. Ervin's subcommittee on separation of powers as chief counsel. This item is in the middle on the left on page 64 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on…

This item is a newspaper clipping detailing Rufus Edmisten as the new chief counsel of the subcommittee on separate of powers through Sam J. Ervin's Senate office. This item is on the right on page 64 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled…

This item is a newspaper clipping detailing Rufus Edmisten's appointment to staff of the Congressional Rights Subcommitte in the summer of 1969. The source of the clipping is unclear, but it likely dates to circa summer 1969. This item is found on…

This item is a newspaper clipping announcing that Rufus and Jane Edmisten will be returning to North Carolina and both will be practicing law together. The clipping is from The News and Observer out of Raleigh, NC on March 12, 1967. This item is…

This item is a newspaper clipping titled "Edmisten Gets Job With Ervin" detailing Rufus Edmisten's appointment to staff of the Congressional Rights Subcommittee. The source of the clipping is not noted and the date is likely circa May 1969. This item…

This item is a newspaper clipping announcing that both Rufus and Jane Edmisten were selected to serve on the George Washington University Law Review. The clipping is undated and it isn't clear what newspaper published the article. However, it is…

This item is a newspaper clipping telling of Rufus Edmisten's appointment as chief legal counsel for the Judiciary Subcommittee on Separate of Powers. The article was published in the Watauga Democrat on July 10, 1969. This item is found on the top…
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