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  • Tags: Elections

This item is a copy of a newspaper clipping indicating the results of the student legislature elections. Rufus Edmisten was indicated as winning Avery. Avery is a dormitory located on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. It was built in 1958. This item is…

This item is an advertisement endorsing candidates for the Student Party at UNC-Chapel Hill. Rufus Edmisten was indicated as a nominee in Dorm Men's VI. This item is found below the caption on page 5 in the scrapbook labeled "UNC-Chapel Hill…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel in March 1962 indicating that Rufus Edmisten was elected vice president of Avery Dormitory at UNC-Chapel Hill. He will preside over the judicial court. This item is on the left on page 8 in…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel on March 6, 1962. Rufus Edmisten is mentioned as backing a candidate named Wheless, presumably for student government. It was mentioned that Rufus Edmisten was nominated but chose not to run…

This newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel on May 2, 1962 describes Pete Harkness being elected Student Party Vice-Chairman. At the time it mentions Rufus Edmisten held the position of "majority floorleader in legislature." This item is found on…

This newspaper clipping mentions Rufus Edmisten as the campaign manager for Dwight Wheless. It mentions an upcoming election on Tuesday. The beginning of the clipping discusses the candidates for Vice President. This item is found on the top right on…

This newspaper clipping from the Daily Tar Heel on April 26, 1962 describes an election for Student Party Chairman. It notes that Rufus Edmisten will speak for Pete Harkness. Harkness is noted to be a freshman and a candidate for class president the…

This newspaper clipping gives brief mention to the re-election of Rufus Edmisten to student legislature at the inter-dorm council at UNC-Chapel Hill. This item is found on the top left on page 12 in the scrapbook labeled "UNC-Chapel Hill 1960-1963…

This newspaper article was written by Harry DeLung. It mentions that Rufus Edmisten gave a seconding nomination for Pete Harkness. This item is found on the top right and third from the left at the bottom on page 12 in the scrapbook labeled…

This poster encourages voting for Rufus Edmisten in district VI for student legislature. This is the only item found on page 13 in the scrapbook labeled "UNC-Chapel Hill 1960-1963 Rufus L. Edmisten." The caption reads, "UNC-Chapel Hill 1962." There…
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