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  • Tags: Harvesting

This image shows a farmer picking corn in a cornfield. There are four visible cobs of corn in the image. The farmer is holding one of the cobs up for a better shot from the camera. The corn plants seem to be dried out and are generally brown. This…

This image shows a farmer kneeling on the ground and collecting cobs of corn from freshly harvested corn plants. There are two bales of corn in the background. He is removing the leaves from one cob and there is a bucket of cleaned cobs next to him.…

This image shows a farmer kneeling on the ground and collecting cobs of corn from freshly harvested corn plants. The field around him is lined with bales of harvested corn plants. There are two piles of bags on the ground next to the farmer. In the…

This image shows a hillside with several rows of bales of corn. There are parts of the corn plants still embedded in the ground. In the background, there is a fenced pasture with a large number of grazing cows. There is another portion of cleared…

This image shows a strip-cropped field on a flat landscape. Half of the crops have been harvested while the rest are untouched. There is a tractor cutting wheat near the bottom of the image. A truck is standing by to carry the harvested wheat.…

This image shows a Soil Conservation Service Worker consulting a map with a farmer. The worker is leaning on the wheel of a tractor. There are a few hills covered with crops in the background. This was taken outside of Watauga County.
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