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  • Tags: Farming

This image shows a strip-cropped field on a flat landscape. Half of the crops have been harvested while the rest are untouched. There is a tractor cutting wheat near the bottom of the image. A truck is standing by to carry the harvested wheat.…

This image shows a curved field with crops growing on it. The field is strip-cropped with thin lines of crops interspersed with larger ditches. There is some accumulated water in some of the ditches. At the bottom of the image, a portion of the field…

This image shows a farm with several ponds dug into it for trout production. There are two groups of people who seem to be evaluating the ponds. Each pond is connected by a drainage pipe. Written on the slide in red pen is text which reads "Trout…

This image shows a farm with five ponds dug into it for trout production. Each pond has water running into it from a drainage pipe. There are a few people gathered around the ponds. A truck is visible on the right side of the image. There is text…

This image shows a dirt road between two hay fields. The road is in the center of the image. There are two haystacks to the right of the image and two more in the distance on the left. There are a few trees in the fields themselves and the edge of…

This image shows a hillside farm that has a hay stack on the right in the image and a dirt road on the left. There are young crops between these two things. There is a ridge to the top left of the image and mountains can be seen in the distance.…

This image shows a man in the bottom left of the image gazing at a field of hay and corn. There are houses seen in the center of the image on the other side of these fields. There are two houses. There is a fence on the other side of the fields as…

This image shows a field that has young crops of tobacco and corn planted. There are sections of hay in the distance. This photo was likely taken in the summer based on indigenous trees in the image. A fence can be seen in the top right of the image…

This image shows a man standing along some large bushes on the left of the image. To the right of the image a field of hay or wheat stands uncut. There is a telephone near the center of the image and mountains can be seen in the distance. Based on…

This image shows two mules pulling a metal hay rake with a man steering behind them, one older man standing on top of a hay stack, and another man standing to the side smoking a cigarette. In the distance more crops can be seen on a hill to the…
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