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  • Tags: Glenn Causey (1926-2000)

This image shows Glenn Causey (1926-2000) posing with a stump. He holds a rifle across his lap and wears a deerskin suit and a coonskin cap. This appears to have been taken on the stage at Horn in the West. There are rhododendrons in the background…

This image shows Preacher Sims and General Stewart of Horn in the West shaking hands on stage at Horn in the West. Other actors gather around them, all in period costume. There are picnic tables with food placed upon them indicating that this is a…

This image depicts a newspaper clipping from the Greensboro Daily News. At the top of the clipping, "Drama-Outdoor" is written in pencil and "Horn in the west (Historical, drama) . N) is written in red pen. At the bottom, "Greensboro Daily news June…

This image depicts a Greensboro Daily News newspaper clipping. At the top, "Drama-Outdoor." Horn in the West " N July 2 ,1961" is written in pencil and "Horn in the west (Historical drama). N" is written in red pen. This clipping contains an image…

This image shows two male cast members from the Horn in the West production posing on a large boulder. One of the men, possibly meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin hat and holding a gun. He has been identified previously as Glenn…

This image shows the same two performers from image 244 of this series. The two male cast members from the Horn in the West production are posing on a large boulder. One of the men, possibly meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin hat and…

This image shows the same men seen in images 244 and 245 of this series. The two male cast members from the Horn in the West production are posing on a large boulder. One of the men, possibly meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin hat…

This image shows the same men seen in images 244, 245, and 249 of this series. The two male cast members from the Horn in the West production are posing on a large boulder. One of the men, possibly meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin…

This image shows members of the play Horn in the West posing on a mountaintop, possibly for a publicity photograph. A man in a coonskin hat, possibly playing Daniel Boone, stands on a boulder high above the others overlooking the mountains. He has…

This image shows a similar scene from image 238 in this series. The image shows members of the play Horn in the West posing on a mountaintop, possibly for a publicity photograph. A man in a coonskin hat, possibly playing Daniel Boone, stands on a…
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