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  • Tags: Animals

This image shows a display which was hanging in the Watauga Agricultural Extension office. There are ten strips with a type of dirt written on them. Each strip has a texture and color which is meant to represent that type of dirt. This is meant to…

This image shows Soil Conservation Service worker pouring water from a bucket into a filter. The filter is in the back of a vehicle which was parked next to a road. On the other side of the road, there is a busy parking lot. Hedges run alongside both…

This image shows a woman and her child looking into a metal bucket. The bucket is filled with fish from the truck parked next to them. The truck is labeled "McKinney Lake National Fish Hatchery, Hoffman. N. C." A Soil Conservation Service worker is…

This image shows a woman and her child looking into a metal bucket. The bucket is filled with fish from the truck parked next to them. The truck is labeled "McKinney Lake National Fish Hatchery, Hoffman. N. C." A Soil Conservation Service worker is…

This image shows a group of Eastern Tiger Swallowtails next to a boulder. The area around the boulder seems to be cleared except for a few groups of rocks. The butterflies are eating something on the ground.

This image shows a display which was hanging in the Watauga Agricultural Extension office. There are ten strips with a type of dirt written on them. Each strip has a texture and color which is meant to represent that type of dirt. This is meant to…

This image shows a herd of grazing cows gathered around a creek. One of the cows is drinking from the creek while a few others are eating grass. One cow is separated from the group and is looking directly at the photographer. There are a few barns…

This image shows a slide in a presentation. The slide lists the goals of the Soil Conservation Service in protecting water quality.

This image shows a slide in a presentation. The slide lists the goals of the Soil Conservation Service in protecting animal habitats.

This image is a diagram of a bird feeding its young next to a clock which shows when feeding takes place. There is text printed on the slide which reads "Nov 81."
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