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  • Tags: Committees

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about the efforts to desegregate the North Carolina Democratic Club. The article argues that the appointment of Black North Carolinians to Senate campaign staff is a step in the right direction but…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about the efforts to desegregate the North Carolina Democratic Club. The article explains the importance of the vote by describing the tense attitude which many Black North Carolinians had towards the…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Raleigh News & Observer. This clipping is of an article about the overturning of a segregation clause in the North Carolina Democratic Club. The article focuses on the opposition to the efforts to…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Raleigh News & Observer. This clipping is of an article about the overturning of a segregation clause in the North Carolina Democratic Club. The article includes some background on the practice of…

This item is a series of newspaper clippings arranged together. The clippings are all from the article "Congressman Breaks 'White Only' Rule." The article is about a Democrat congressman appointing a Black secretary to his staff. The event is…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Journal And Sentinel. The article is about a segregation clause in the North Carolina Democratic Club which was being challenged. The article gives some background on the process by which the clause was…
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