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  • Tags: Trout

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There are two raceways which are separated by gravel roads. There is a crowd of people next to a few vehicles on the right side of the image. Another person is standing on the…

This image shows two Soil Conservation Service workers standing next to a concrete structure. The structure is generally filled with water but there is one chamber in the middle which has a gravel path. Some foliage is growing in the gravel section.…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is built into a hillside so that the water can run through easily. There are three people on the right side of the image. There is text printed on the slide which…

This image shows water in a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There is text printed on the slide which reads "Dec 80."

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There are several Soil Conservation Service workers standing around the raceway. This raceway seems to have been build right next to a farmhouse. Water is coming from a pipe…

This image is a closer view of a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There are a lot of trout in a small enclosure which was built into the raceway. A few leaves have fallen into the water. A person can be seen standing at the…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is built into a steep slope and there is a gravel road running alongside it. Several barrels are placed at various parts of the raceway. There is a drainage pipe…

This image shows a group of Soil Conservation Service workers developing a concrete structure for trout production. Most of the workers are crowded around the structure while two are standing on the structure. Water is flowing through the structure…

This image shows a person walking next to a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There are two barrels attached to the raceway at every other filter. The person is walking on a gravel road which runs alongside the raceway. There is…

This image shows a concrete raceway for trout production. The raceway seems to be largely finished. The image is a close look at the filtering mechanism which keeps the trout in their enclosures. There is a partial drainage pipe to the right of the…
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