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  • Tags: Washington DC

This item appears to be part of the wedding invitation in item 175 of this series. It notes an address of Watergate East in Washington DC. This item was found on the bottom left on page 48 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on…

This item is a letter to Jane and Rufus Edmisten from Sam J. Ervin thanking them for gifting him and his wife "Treasury of Great Operetta." The letter is dated December 27, 1968 and is written on official senator stationary. This item is found on the…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Washington Star News dated May 4, 1967. The clipping details that 188 candidates passed the bar exam. Rufus and Jane Edmisten are listed, underlined in black. This item is found on the bottom and continued…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Washington Daily News on May 4, 1967. The clipping details that 70% of candidates passed the bar exam, a total of 188. Rufus and Jane Edmisten are mentioned as being a husband-wife team that both passed the…

This item is a summons for Rufus Edmisten to appear before a member of the Committee on Admissions and Grievances on June 1, 1967. It appears the member Rufus Edmisten was assigned to appear before was Francis W. Hill. This item is found on the…

This item is a letter to Rufus Edmisten from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Committee on Admissions and Grievances dated May 3, 1967. The letter informs Rufus Edmisten that he has passed the bar exam. No grade is…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Washington Post on May 4, 1967. The clipping details a list of 188 people who passed the bar exam recently. Both Rufus and Jane Edmisten are listed, outlined in blue. This item is found on the left on page…

This item is a letter to Jane Edmisten from Sam J. Ervin in the United States Senate on October 18, 1968. In the letter he thanks Jane for the book she and Rufus sent him for his recent birthday. This item is found on the left on page 36 in Rufus…

This item is the program from Winter Convocation of The George Washington University dated February 22, 1967. The ceremony was held in Constitution Hall on the campus in Washington DC. Both Rufus Edmisten and Jane Edmisten are listed on page 8 under…

This item is a newspaper clipping from the Watauga Democrat on March 3, 1966. It details Rufus Edmisten as the president of John Marshall Inn, Phi Delta Phi, International Legal Fraternity at George Washington University Law School. The clipping…
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