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  • Tags: Washington DC

This image shows the United States Ultralight Association office from the road next to it. There is a road leading to a parking lot next to the building. The lot is obscured by a few bushes and trees. There are two pillars and several signs next to…

This image shows a parking lot next to a government building. There are several people standing around the cars and having a conversation. The building in the back seems to be the National Soil Conservation Service Office in Washington DC. There is a…

This image shows the capitol building in Washington DC. The majority of the building is covered by a few trees with orange leaves. The most visible part of the building is the dome, which is framed by the trees.

This image shows the landscape of Washington DC. The capitol building is visible in the background next to a long stretch of road. There are a few other buildings that are connected by bridges which cross the street. Many cars are parked in a lot…

This item is a photocopy of a certificate by the Washington DC District Court. The certificate acted as confirmation that Rufus Edmisten was approved to practice as an attorney. The certificate was signed by the deputy clerk. This is the only item on…

This item is a letter to Rufus Edmisten from Washington DC's Clerk's Office. The letter congratulates Edmisten and asks him to fill out a form to be listed as a practicing attorney in Washington, DC. This is the only item on page 10 in Rufus…

This item is a letter addressed to Rufus Edmisten from Hugh Alexander, dated April 29, 1963. In the letter Alexander agrees to be a reference to Edmisten as he seeks to find a job in Washington DC. This item is at the bottom of page 58 in Rufus…

This item is a letter addressed to Rufus L. Edmisten in Chapel Hill, NC. The postmark is dated April 29, 1963. Signed over the postmark is "Hugh Alexander." The return address is the US House of Representatives. This item is at the top of page 58 in…

This item is a black and white photograph of the backs of Rufus Edmisten and Sam J. Ervin. Ervin appears to be seated at a table in front of a microphone with Rufus Edmisten seated behind him. The room is full of people. The caption indicates this to…

This item appears to be a business card for Rufus Edmisten. It notes him as counsel and also indicates Sam J. Ervin and the US Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. This item is found on the top right of page 50 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook…
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