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  • Tags: Raceways

This image shows a concrete raceway with three chambers. There is a barrel fastened to the wall of the raceway. A few wooden planks are laid out across the concrete structures. There is text printed on the slide which reads "Dec 80."

This image shows a concrete raceway for the production of trout. There are four visible rows where trout are raised. There is a gravel road which runs through the middle of the raceway. A few tubes have been placed in various parts of the raceway…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There is a crowd of people on a gravel road on the right of the image. The concrete raceway curves around the hillside into a forest. There is text printed on the slide which…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is built into a steep slope and there is a gravel road running alongside it. Several barrels are placed at various parts of the raceway. There is a drainage pipe…

This image shows two Soil Conservation Service workers examining a pipe depositing water into a concrete structure. The water is pushing a pile of leaves inside the concrete. The pipe is built into the ground. There is text printed on the slide which…

This image shows two Soil Conservation Service workers standing next to a concrete structure. The structure is generally filled with water but there is one chamber in the middle which has a gravel path. Some foliage is growing in the gravel section.…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is built on an incline. There is a gravel road alongside the raceway. A person is standing on the side of the raceway next to a large barrel. There is text printed…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There are several Soil Conservation Service workers standing around the raceway. This raceway seems to have been build right next to a farmhouse. Water is coming from a pipe…

This image is a close-up of a concrete raceway which was made for trout production. There is a filter which has caught some debris on the right side of the image. A few patches of moss are visible on the sides of the concrete. There is text printed…

This image shows a concrete raceway for the production of trout. There are a few cars parked on a gravel road to the right. A small crowd of people is standing around the raceway. The structure seems to be newly built. There is text printed on the…
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