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  • Tags: Raceways

This image shows a concrete raceway for the production of trout. There are a few cars parked on a gravel road to the right. A small crowd of people is standing around the raceway. The structure seems to be newly built. There is text printed on the…

This image shows a concrete raceway for the production of trout. There are four visible rows where trout are raised. There is a gravel road which runs through the middle of the raceway. A few tubes have been placed in various parts of the raceway…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is made to curve downwards with the mountain it was built on. There is a person standing on the side of the raceway who seems to be taking a photo. A few unused…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There is a crowd of people on a gravel road on the right of the image. The concrete raceway curves around the hillside into a forest. There is text printed on the slide which…

This image shows a concrete raceway on a mountainside. There are two people standing on a gravel road looking down at the raceway. Another person is standing on the raceway and taking pictures. There are a few unused materials on the ground around…

This image shows a concrete raceway, which was built for trout production, on a mountainside. There is a gravel road next to the raceway. A few unused materials are on the ground around the raceway. There is text printed on the slide which reads "Dec…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is built on an incline. There is a gravel road alongside the raceway. A person is standing on the side of the raceway next to a large barrel. There is text printed…

This image shows a concrete raceway for trout production. The raceway seems to be largely finished. The image is a close look at the filtering mechanism which keeps the trout in their enclosures. There is a partial drainage pipe to the right of the…

This image shows a person walking next to a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. There are two barrels attached to the raceway at every other filter. The person is walking on a gravel road which runs alongside the raceway. There is…

This image shows a concrete raceway which was built for trout production. The raceway is built into a steep slope and there is a gravel road running alongside it. Several barrels are placed at various parts of the raceway. There is a drainage pipe…
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