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  • Tags: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This envelope is connected to item 034 of this series. It contained a letter from Wilson Woodhouse written on November 11, 1959 in Fayetteville, NC. This item was below a letter on page 17 in the scrapbook labeled in gold marker on the front cover…

This letter from Wilson Woodhouse to Rufus Edmisten was written on November 11, 1959. It is an invitation for Edmisten to attend a national meeting for young voters. It references the Young Voters Program mentioned by Terry Sanford in previous items…

This item is a newspaper clipping with part of an article about some political proposals. The main focus of this part of the article is a bill which was introduced by Rufus Edmisten which would provide additional budget for discussing the inner…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about a proposal from the Support of Interfraternity Council. The article explains how the council was introducing a practice where fraternities were no longer responsible for the grades of their…

This item is a school newsletter for the University of North Carolina School of Law. The newsletter has many articles with accompanying photographs. The front page article is about a school reunion which had been held recently. There is also an…

This item is a 16 page blue exam book from the University of North Carolina. The book was secured in the scrapbook and unable to be opened and scanned. This item is located at the top left of page 20 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled…

This item is a color postcard featuring two buildings and a rotunda. This site is known as the Old Well on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This item was found on the bottom right of page 20 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook…

This item is a newspaper clipping titled "Let's All Meet..." The caption indicates it is an undated article from The Daily Tarheel. The article details a special session of student legislature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in…

This item is a brief newspaper article titled, "Rufus Edmisten Gets Honor At UNC." This brief announcement details that Edmisten was re-elected to the UNC-Chapel Hill Student Legislature. This item was found on the bottom right of page 8 in Rufus…

This item is a newspaper article titled, "Edmisten Attends Student Legislature." It is a brief article announcing that Rufus Edmisten would attend the State Student Legislature in November as a delegate of UNC-Chapel Hill. This item was found on the…
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