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  • Tags: Lawyers

This item is a newspaper clipping announcing the ceremony to admit Rufus and Jane Edmisten into the North Carolina Bar. Both Sam J. Ervin and his son were present at the ceremony in Charlotte, NC. This item is on the bottom left on page 59 in Rufus…

Written by James Batten, this article details changes to the staff assignments in Sam J. Ervin's senate office. Rufus Edmisten will now be chief counsel of the subcommittee on separation of powers. It is noted that he will make about $28,000 a year.…

This item is a newpaper clipping from the Winston-Salem Journal on October 26, 1971 featuring Rufus and Jane Edmisten. The couple spoke to students at a dinner for Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity. The article highlights some quotes of what they shared…

This item appears to be a page from the Federal Bar News. Rufus Edmisten is pictured at the top of the page, partially behind several other men. The caption indicates the photograph was taken at the October meeting. This item is on the right on page…

This item is the program from Winter Convocation of The George Washington University dated February 22, 1967. The ceremony was held in Constitution Hall on the campus in Washington DC. Both Rufus Edmisten and Jane Edmisten are listed on page 8 under…

This newspaper clipping details the appointment of Rufus Edmisten to Sam J. Ervin's subcommittee on separation of powers as chief counsel. This item is in the middle of page 64 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on Ervin's…

This item is a newspaper feature of Rufus and Jane Edmisten published in the Journal and Sentinel on September 5, 1971. The feature details the lives and careers of both Rufus and Jane Edmisten up to the early 1970s. This item is found on the top on…

This item is a letter to Rufus Edmisten from Marshall T. Spears, Chairman of the Board of Law Examiners, dated August 17, 1967. The letter informs Edmisten that he has passed the written portions of the North Carolina Bar Exam. This item is found on…

This item is a newspaper clipping from an unnamed newspaper. It is authored by Nick Taylor. The article details that Ervin requested Rufus and Jane Edmisten be admitted to the North Carolina Bar. Superior Court Judge Sam J. Ervin III (his son)…

This item is a newspaper clipping announcing that Rufus and Jane Edmisten will be returning to North Carolina and both will be practicing law together. The clipping is from The News and Observer out of Raleigh, NC on March 12, 1967. This item is…
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