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  • Tags: John F. Ward (1863-1947)

These images show records from the 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1900 censuses in Watauga Falls.

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This is the complete essay titled "A History of John Ward's Store: Watauga County, North Carolina" by Betty Torreyson Hollowell. This essay was completed for Dr. Lanier at Appalachian State University in June of 1979. The content of the essay is the…

This image shows a copy of the handwritten Articles of Agreement between J. W. Ward and W. H. Shull. The document is dated August 6, 1895.

This image shows a catalog page from Bristol China Co. located in Bristol, Tennessee. There is handwriting at the bottom of the page that reads "John Ward Ledger 1912 p.195".

This image shows a wholesale order for John Ward for Feb 1, 1913 from C. M. McClung & Co., a store located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Items underlines in green ink are items that can be found on other catalog pages. The total for the thirteen items was…

This image shows an order for supplies for John Ward on February 3, 1913. Items that can be found in the following catalog pages are underlined in red ink. Some handwriting can be found on the receipt as well, it is unknown if this was original to…

This image shows an order receipt from C. M. McClung & Co dated 1913. This page does extend from the page it is glued upon; this image is the extended version. There is an item underlined, the Jack Shotgun. There is handwriting in green ink that…

This image shows an order from John Ward for post office cabinets dated Sept 1912. There is a handwritten caption on the bottom left of the image reading "Fig. 20".

This image shows a dirt road that goes around a barn that sits on the path. The barn is to the right of the image and a steep bank can be seen on the left of the dirt road. The handwritten caption below reads "A few yards west of the storehouse, on…

This image shows a sketch of a cabinet and shelving unit that would have been inside the Ward General Store. There is a handwritten caption beneath the image reading "Fig. 9". There is a decorative trim seen along the top of the shelving unit, five…
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