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  • Tags: B. Everett Jordan

This item is found on the right on page 27 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on Ervin's staff, Volume 1." It appears to be the envelope accompanying the letter from B. Everett Jordan seen in item 102 of this series.

This item is a letter from Senator B. Everett Jordan to Rufus Edmisten. It is dated May 10, 1963 and references a May 6 letter from Edmisten seeking employment. Jordan did not anticipate an opening on his staff, but expressed that he would be in…

This item is found on the right on page 26 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on Ervin's staff, Volume 1." It is the envelope that accompanies the letter seen in item 099 from Hugh Alexander referencing employment with Senators…

This item is a letter to Rufus Edmisten from Hugh Alexander. At the time Hugh Alexander was chief counsel to NC Senator B. Everett Jordan. The letter references a letter sent by Rufus seeking employment while enrolled in law school at George…
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