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  • Tags: Carl Sandburg

This item is a black and white photograph of Rufus Edmisten with three other people. The photograph appeared in the newspaper clipping in item 180 of this series and appears to be related to the article in the Watauga Democrat dated August 1, 1968…

This newspaper clipping is from the Watauga Democrat on August 1, 1968 and details Rufus Edmisten (counsel to Sam J. Ervin) attending the ceremony to name the Carl Sandburg Home a National Historic Site. The home is located in Flat Rock, NC. This…

This item is a newspaper clipping showing Rufus Edmisten with three other people. The caption indicates that Edmisten, representing Sam J. Ervin was at the Sandburg Home Ceremony. They all appear to be looking at a photograph or binder. This image is…
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