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  • Tags: Cellos

This picture is of a group posing after their performance at the Appalachian State Teachers College theater. They are holding their instruments and smiling for the photograph. The instruments include a few saxophones, trumpets, a drumset, a cello, a…

This picture shows a performance at the Appalachian State Teachers College theater. The instruments include saxophones, a baritone, trumpets, a cello, drums, and a piano. All of the performers are in formal outfits, and only one of them is a woman.…

This image shows the Appalachian State Teachers College orchestra on the theater stage. The performers are each holding an instrument and are seated in front of a music stand. On the right side of the picture, a man is standing next to a podium and…

This black and white image shows four men standing on stage holding their instruments. From left to right, the men play the cello, violin, banjo, and guitar. The men are Clay Mooney (far right), Jack Shew (second from right), Howard Greene (on the…
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