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  • Tags: Senate

This item is a newspaper clipping about Mike Cozza's attempt to receive a presidential pardon. The article describes how Cozza was charged with being at an illegal demonstration. Senators Sam Ervin Jr., and Emilio Q. Daddario are discussed at Cozza's…

This item is a newspaper clipping about Mike Cozza's attempt to receive a presidential pardon. The article explains Cozza's plight and how his cause was taken up by Senator Sam Ervin Jr. There is a picture of Mike Cozza in the middle of the clipping.…

This item is a newspaper clipping about Mike Cozza's attempt to receive a presidential pardon from Richard Nixon. Mike Cozza had been charged with being at an illegal anti-war protest. The article briefly explains Cozza's situation and his attempts…

This item is a newspaper clipping about Mike Cozza's attempt to receive a presidential pardon for being at an anti-war demonstration. The article includes a few of Cozza's defenders, including Rufus Edmisten who was interviewed about the case. This…

This item is a close-up of the second newspaper clipping in Ruf-Edm-05-038. This clipping has some details about Senator Everett Jordan's campaign staff. Their yearly salaries are listed alongside their responsibilities. This item is on the right on…

This is an overview of page 13 of Rufus Edmisten's fifth scrapbook. The majority of the page is an article by the Raleigh News & Observer. The article is about Senator Sam Ervin Jr.'s political staff. A few of the staff are listed with their roles in…

This item is a newspaper clipping about Rufus Edmisten's appointment to the position of chairman of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. The article includes some details about Edmisten's academic background. This item is found…

This item is a newspaper clipping about Rufus Edmisten's return to North Carolina. The clipping talks about Rufus and Jane Edmisten's goal to work together as practicing attorneys. A significant portion of the clipping is covered in tape. This item…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about H. Houston Groome Jr.'s resignation from the Senate subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. The article also mentions his replacement, Rufus Edmisten. The article ends with some information on…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's appointment to the position of chairman of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. The article includes some details about Edmisten's educational background.…
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