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  • Tags: Stanford Zucker Agency

This item was tucked between pages 36 and 37 of the scrapbook. It is a performance contract for Paul Weber with the Stanford Zucker Agency. Paul Weber is to perform on December 17, 1945 at the Sheraton Hotel in Buffalo, NY. It details the terms of…

This item is a postcard featuring a black and white image of Paul Weston "Organist Supreme." It is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. John Cox in Todd, NC who are Ruby Weston's parents. Written on November 6, 1946 Ruby notes that she mailed some soap and that…

This item is a contract between the Stanford Zucker Agency and Paul Weber. It details an engagement at the Sheraton Hotel in New York, NY. The contract was dated September 24, 1946 for an engagement starting October 1, 1946 and lasting eight weeks.…

This item is a contract agreement for lodging from the Stanford Zucker Agency to the Sheraton Hotel in New York City, NY. The agreement is dated September 25, 1946 and is signed by Morrey Davidson. It details that a two-room apartment will be…
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