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  • Tags: Jane Moretz Edmisten

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about a speech by John A. Lang, Jr., who was a member of Richard Nixon's cabinet. The article gives a summary of Land's speech with various quotes for each topic. A few other speakers at the event are…

This item is a newspaper clipping with a brief article about Jane and Rufus Edmisten's admission to the North Carolina Bar. The article focuses on how they appeared in front of Sam Ervin III alongside his father. There is a picture of the proceedings…

This item is a newspaper clipping about Jane and Rufus Edmisten's admission to the North Carolina Bar. The article includes an image of the proceedings and a brief description. The description mostly focuses on how Sam Ervin Jr. was supporting the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Jane Edmisten's career. The article includes some details about various times that Edmisten was discriminated against by her male coworkers. Her experiences are connected to a broader discussion…

This item is a newspaper feature of Rufus and Jane Edmisten published in the Journal and Sentinel on September 5, 1971. The feature details the lives and careers of both Rufus and Jane Edmisten up to the early 1970s. This item is found on the top on…

This item is a newspaper clipping featuring Rufus Edmisten and detailing his election to president of the Phi Delta Phi Fraternity at George Washington University Law School. Noted in the article is that Edmisten was in his third year of law school,…

This item is a newspaper clipping featuring Jane Moretz Edmisten's accomplishments at George Washington Law School in Washington, DC. The award was for a high achievement and service during her first year of law school. It was noted that Edmisten is…

This item is a newspaper article highlighting Abe Fortas induction to Phi Delta Phi at George Washington University. Rufus Edmisten presided over the ceremonies. This article appears to be connected to the image and caption seen in item 111 of this…

This item is a newspaper clipping from an unnamed newspaper. It is authored by Nick Taylor. The article details that Ervin requested Rufus and Jane Edmisten be admitted to the North Carolina Bar. Superior Court Judge Sam J. Ervin III (his son)…

This item is a letter to Jane Edmisten from Sam J. Ervin in the United States Senate on October 18, 1968. In the letter he thanks Jane for the book she and Rufus sent him for his recent birthday. This item is found on the left on page 36 in Rufus…
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