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  • Tags: Speeches

This item is a newspaper clipping with part of an article about Rufus Edmisten's run for North Carolina Attorney General. This is a continuation of the article in Ruf-Edm-06-108. This portion has details about an event for which Rufus Edmisten had…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's run for North Carolina Attorney General. The article includes some of Edmisten's proposed policy changes and a brief summary of his career. There is also a description of an…

This item is a flyer for an event at the Cedarbrook Country Club. The front of the flyer has some information about the event and has a picture of two people. Inside the flyer, there is an itinerary for the event and a list of former recipients of…

This item is a flyer for an event at the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. The flyer includes some details and an itinerary of the event. There is also a description of Rufus Edmisten's career on one of the pages. The back of the flyer has a…

This item is an article which is split among three newspaper clippings. The article is about a speech which was delivered to the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce by Rufus Edmisten. The speech was about the Watergate Scandal and how it showed the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about two speeches which were delivered by Rufus Edmisten. The article includes a few brief details about the speeches along with some key quotes. This clipping is damaged where glue seeped through…

This item is a flyer with information about the 42nd annual North Carolina Young Democrats meeting. There is some information about the upcoming event next to a drawing of a donkey kicking an elephant. Inside the flyer, there is an itinerary of the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with a continuation of the article in Ruf-Edm-06-089. The article has some details about a speech that Senator Sam Ervin Jr. delivered at a rally for Nick Galifianakis. The article also describes an informal and…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an image of Senator Sam Ervin. This photo was taken during a speech he delivered at a rally for Nick Galifianakis. This image is part of the article in Ruf-Edm-06-089. This item is in the middle on page 41 in…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about a speech which Sam Ervin Jr. had delivered. The article describes the speech and includes a few quotes. There are also some details about the general event. This article is continued in…
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