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  • Tags: John F. Ward (1863-1947)

This image shows the storehouse in which the Ward family would have lived while the Ward Store was operational. The family moved here in the Fall of 1899 and made continual adjustments between 1900 and 1915. The handwritten caption underneath the…

This image shows a stone retaining wall along to edge of the Ward Store. This wall was built to "stabilize the roadbed" that was created after the Ward additions to the building moved the previous roadway. The handwritten caption underneath the image…

This image shows a hand drawn graph showing the monthly sales for John Ward's Store in 1911.

This image shows a hand drawn graph depicting the amount of sales the second, third, and fourth week of each month for 1911.

This image shows a catalog page from Bristol China Co. located in Bristol, Tennessee. There is handwriting at the bottom of the page that reads "John Ward Ledger 1912 p.195".

This image shows a receipt from the Bristol China Company. The total of the jars, pots, lamps, and other items ordered by John Ward was $40.24 and it was packed for free. There is handwriting on the bottom of the image that reads "John Ward Ledger…

This image shows a wholesale order for John Ward for Feb 1, 1913 from C. M. McClung & Co., a store located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Items underlines in green ink are items that can be found on other catalog pages. The total for the thirteen items was…

This image shows an order for supplies for John Ward on February 3, 1913. Items that can be found in the following catalog pages are underlined in red ink. Some handwriting can be found on the receipt as well, it is unknown if this was original to…

This image shows several Watauga Telephone Company message slips. Some were received by John Ward, others by people who were probably in the store at the time. Most calls seem to be to or from doctors.

This image shows an order receipt from C. M. McClung & Co dated 1913. This page does extend from the page it is glued upon; this image is the extended version. There is an item underlined, the Jack Shotgun. There is handwriting in green ink that…
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