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  • Tags: Committees

This is an overview of page 11 in Rufus Edmisten's sixth scrapbook. There are two newspaper clippings glued to the page. The clippings are of an article about Rufus Edmisten's opinions about climate catastrophe. The article lists Edmisten's opinions…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about the efforts to desegregate the North Carolina Democratic Club. The article explains the importance of the vote by describing the tense attitude which many Black North Carolinians had towards the…

This item is a brief article about Rufus Edmisten on two newspaper clippings. The article is about Edmisten's recent election as a member of the Rules Committee for the Democratic National Convention. The article includes some details about…

This item is a letter written by Rufus Edmisten and addressed to Senator Sam Ervin Jr. The letter is Edmisten's resignation from Ervin's staff. He explains that he wants to run for the position of North Carolina's Attorney General. He thanks Ervin…

This item is a name tag which was made for Rufus Edmisten. The name tag was made to show that Edmisten was a member of the 1972 Democratic National Convention's Rules Committee. There is a special seal at the bottom of the tag. This item is on the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with part of an article about challenges being levied at the United States of America's Judicial Branch. The article is a general summary of a speech that Rufus Edmisten delivered at Coronado. This part of the…
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