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  • Tags: Performances

This image shows the stage for Horn in the West before renovations. The cabin setting is seen in the left of the with two walls standing, table with chairs, a bookcase, and a barrel with guns by the exiting door. A stone retaining wall separates the…

This item is an overview of page 49 of the scrapbook. On the page are two newspaper clippings. The clipping on the left appears to be from The Billboard on March 2, 1946. In brackets at the end of the clipping is mention of Paul Weber playing the…

This item was in an envelope tucked between pages 48 and 49 of the scrapbook. It is a ticket to the W. S. M. Grand Ole Opry and barn dance on October 31, 1943. WSM is a radio station. It was originally located in Nashville, TN. Admission cost 25…

This item is a booklet titled "Where, What, and When" dated September 7, 1945. It was issued by the Detroit Hotel Association. The bottom left of page 8 shows an advertisement for Paul Weber at the Sapphire Room in the Wardell-Sheraton Hotel located…

This item is a booklet titled "Esplanade Boston's Outstanding Weekly." It is dated August 17, 1945. Circled at the bottom of page 19 is a black and white photograph of three people, including Paul Weber on the left. Also pictured is Sid Reinherz and…

This item is a booklet titled "Where, What, and When" dated September 14, 1945. It was issued by the Detroit Hotel Association. The bottom left of page 8 shows an advertisement for Paul Weber at the Sapphire Room in the Wardell-Sheraton Hotel located…

This item is a newspaper clipping of the column "Day Unto Day." The top of the second column mentions Paul Weber at the Sheraton Lounge, indicated in pencil brackets. The Sheraton Lounge is possibly in the Sheraton Hotel in New York, NY as indicated…

This item is a brief newspaper clipping mentioning that Paul Weber will be performing at the Sapphire Room in the Wardell-Sheraton Hotel. It appears to have been cut from a longer article. The item was tucked between pages 48 and 49 of the scrapbook.

This item is a newspaper clipping advertising Paul Weber performing at Morro Castle for four weeks. This item was tucked between pages 48 and 49 of the scrapbook.

This item is a newspaper page from the Detroit Free Press displaying the radio show guide. The guide is dated December 22, 1945 and several items are circled in pencil. It is unclear the relation to Paul Weber. This item was tucked between pages 48…
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