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  • Tags: Calendars

This image shows a woman sitting behind a counter at what appears to be Boone Drug Company in Boone, NC. The woman is looking away from the camera and wearing glasses. Shelves with medicine can be seen behind the woman. A calendar can be seen in the…

This image shows a woman holding a stack of documents as she stands in front of a stack of what appears to be receipts. An open safe sits behind the woman with documents inside. Multiple calendars are pinned to the wall behind the woman along with…

This image shows a woman sitting at a sewing machine working on a pair of pants. Spools of thread sit behind the sewing machine and below the Watauga Sales calendar hanging on the wall. The calendar shows March 1952. A window behind the woman shows…

This image shows a woman sitting at a desk working on various documents. A Brown & Bigelow calendar showing March 1952 is pinned to the wall behind the woman. She appears to be wearing a pin with the name "Reba" engraved in it.

This image shows a woman working at a desk covered in documents that say N.W. Auto Parts Company in what appears to be a small, shelf-lined hallway. A receipt maker sits on the desk with an envelope that says Trade Report Department resting on it and…

This image shows a woman sitting behind a desk covered in papers and money working at a receipt maker. The shelves behind the woman are covered in vials and small boxes, potentially different medicines. A Boone Community Birthday Calendar in the…

This image shows a woman sitting at a small table typing on a typewriter. A map of North Carolina hangs above her. A radio sits on a small stool in the corner near her head. Two calendars hang on the wall in the upper left of the image. A desk that…

This image shows a woman sitting at a desk while talking on the phone and looking over an open scheduling book laying in front of her. The desk also holds a newspaper, a Hill School Bulletin, and a small wooden box of alphabetized information. A…

This image shows a woman sitting at a small desk that faces a wall working at a typewriter. The desk also has envelopes and Bluemont Hotel pamphlets on it. A Boy Scout Calendar, compliments of Brown and Bigelow, is hung above the desk. The far left…

This item is a black and white photograph of a woman with her hair wrapped and wearing a dress. She is standing in what appears to be a kitchen with wood paneled walls. She does not appear to be wearing a wedding ring, but the woman is possibly Ruby…
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