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  • Tags: Washington DC

This item is a photocopy of a certificate by the Washington DC District Court. The certificate acted as confirmation that Rufus Edmisten was approved to practice as an attorney. The certificate was signed by the deputy clerk. This is the only item on…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter provides a form for her to fill out and file in order to receive death compensation for…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter indicates that evidence of the birth of Thomas Sims Mast is needed for the claim of…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter indicates that the record of baptism is not an accepted material for evidence of the…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter that an award of compensation at $20.00 per month from September 29, 1938 and $45.00…

The notice is addressed to widows, children, and dependent mothers and fathers. It describes the Act of March 20, 1933, Section 28, and the Act of March 28, 1934 in detail. The back of the paper lists 16 questions to answer for the claim, with a…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie H. Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Amantha, North Carolina from the War Department, The Adjutant General's Office. The letter is confirmation of receipt of the application for adjusted compensation for Thomas Sims…

This item is the program from Winter Convocation of The George Washington University dated February 22, 1967. The ceremony was held in Constitution Hall on the campus in Washington DC. Both Rufus Edmisten and Jane Edmisten are listed on page 8 under…

The letter is addressed to "Mr. N. L. Mast" (Newton Lafayette Mast) in Mast, North Carolina from the Treasury Department in Washington DC. The letter indicates that attention should be paid to items 6 and 8 on the Emergency Information form about the…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Amantha, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration. The letter is an acknowledgement of receipt of a marriage certificate showing her age as over 60. It was signed by…
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