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  • Tags: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

This image shows a document from July 1943 about the pay for Johnny Greene starting in February of the same year. The pay was $3.45 a month.

This envelope is from the Veterans' Administration in Washington D. C. There is no addressee, but "Tom Insurance Business" is handwritten above the address window. It appears this envelope contained an letter regarding Thomas Sims Mast. The postal…

The notice is from the Veterans' Administration in Washington D. C. and gives notification of the last of 240 monthly installment payments that have been paid over 20 years. The payments appear to be insurance payments for World War Dependents. The…

The notice is from the Veterans' Administration in Washington D. C. It describes a check that is enclosed in the amount of $60.00 per the World War Adjusted Compensation Act. It is signed by Frank T. Hines.

The notice is from Frank T. Hines, Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. It details the process the Veterans' Administration and the Post Office Department attempt to ensure delivery of checks. It asks for changes in address to be reported in writing…

The notice is addressed to widows, children, and dependent mothers and fathers. It describes the Act of March 20, 1933, Section 28, and the Act of March 28, 1934 in detail. The back of the paper lists 16 questions to answer for the claim, with a…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter that an award of compensation at $20.00 per month from September 29, 1938 and $45.00…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter indicates that the record of baptism is not an accepted material for evidence of the…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter indicates that evidence of the birth of Thomas Sims Mast is needed for the claim of…

The letter is addressed to "Mrs. Addie Horton Mast" (Addie Horton Mast) in Sherwood, North Carolina from the Veterans' Administration in Washington DC. The letter provides a form for her to fill out and file in order to receive death compensation for…
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