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  • Tags: Young Democrats

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about a meeting of the North Carolina State Young Democrats. The article is about the general topics at the meeting and an election for the club president. Much of the detailed discussions were about…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Henry Jackson's run for president. The article talks about the senator's visit to North Carolina and his struggles with its Democratic population. Various people were interviewed and said why…

This item is a letter addressed to Rufus Edmisten from Sargent Shriver. In the letter, Shriver tells Edmisten that he is not worried about the Watergate proceedings because of his trust in Senator Sam Ervin Jr.'s team. There is also a mention of the…

This item is a certificate which is addressed to Rufus Edmisten. The certificate commends Edmisten for his work for the Democratic Party of North Carolina. There is a sticker in the shape of a ribbon attached to the certificate. The certificate is…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten. The article was originally published in the Miami Herald but was republished in this newspaper. The article describes Rufus Edmisten's academic career and ties it to his…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's appointment to chief counsel for a Senate subcommittee. The article briefly discusses the subcommittee's purpose and Edmisten's background. There is a sticker at the top of the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's upcoming keynote speech at the North Carolina Democratic Convention. The article includes some details about Edmisten's background as well as a list of the other speakers at the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's upcoming keynote speech at the North Carolina Democratic Convention. The article has some details about his career and his connection to the North Carolina Democrats. The…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about the upcoming North Carolina Democratic Convention. The article focuses on the Young Democrats who were attending the convention. There is also a brief itinerary of the event with a list of the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's upcoming speech at the Youth Councils of North Carolina Convention. The article includes some details about Edmisten and the event which he was attending. There is also a brief…
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