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  • Tags: Young Democrats

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about two speeches which were delivered by Rufus Edmisten. The article includes a few brief details about the speeches along with some key quotes. This clipping is damaged where glue seeped through…

This item is a flyer with information about the 42nd annual North Carolina Young Democrats meeting. There is some information about the upcoming event next to a drawing of a donkey kicking an elephant. Inside the flyer, there is an itinerary of the…

This item is a letter addressed to Rufus Edmisten from Sargent Shriver. In the letter, Shriver tells Edmisten that he is not worried about the Watergate proceedings because of his trust in Senator Sam Ervin Jr.'s team. There is also a mention of the…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Nixon's violation of individual rights. The article includes an interview with Rufus Edmisten in which he explained Nixon's undemocratic policy. The article ends with some advice from Edmisten…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Sam Ervin's support for Henry Jackson presidential campaign. The article is about Ervin's statements on Jackson's political policies. There is a brief list of Jackson's policies and how they…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Sam Ervin's support for Henry Jackson's political campaign. The article includes some details about Jackson's visit to North Carolina and the support he received from Ervin. There are also some…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Henry Jackson's run for president. The article talks about the senator's visit to North Carolina and his struggles with its Democratic population. Various people were interviewed and said why…

This item is a newspaper clipping with a brief article about Senator Henry Jackson's visit to North Carolina. The article talks about his attempts to gain support for a potential presidential run. Rufus Edmisten is also mentioned as assisting Jackson…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's speech to the Youth Councils of North Carolina. The article includes a few key quotes from the speech and some details about Edmisten's career. Portions of the text are faded…

This item is a newspaper clipping with an article about Rufus Edmisten's upcoming speech at the Youth Councils of North Carolina Convention. The article includes some details about Edmisten and the event which he was attending. There is also a brief…
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