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  • Tags: Volleyball

This image shows four children playing volleyball in an open field. There is a pond in the background of the image. One of the children had just served the ball and the other team was preparing to knock it back.

This image shows a group of eight students posing in the Appalachian State Teachers College gymnasium. Four are kneeling in front and four are standing in the back. On the ground in front of the group, there is a volleyball. In the background, there…

This image shows a group of nine women posing on a basketball court in the Appalachian State Teachers College gymnasium. Four of them are kneeling and the other five are standing in a formation. They are all in outfits. There is also a volleyball in…

This picture shows a group of students posing in the Appalachian State Teachers College gymnasium. The group is kneeling on the floor and there is a volleyball on the ground with them. All of the students are in activewear and one has a shirt that…

This image shows two women sitting on some bleachers in the Appalachian State Teachers College gymnasium. One is holding a basketball and the other is holding a pair of table tennis paddles. Below the bleachers there is a bow and one arrow.…

The image shows girls at camp playing volleyball on a dirt court. There is a hill behind the court with large trees. There is a building in the upper right side of the image. A stone wall runs along the side and back of the court.

The image shows girls playing volleyball on a dirt court. There are about eight girls on each team. The court is surrounded by a stone wall on the rear and right and a tall wooden and metal fence on the left. The wall and fence appear to be the out…

The image shows girls playing volleyball. There are eight girls on each team. A low stone wall runs along the right side of the out of bounds line. Younger girls are sitting along the wall watching the game. There is a cabin to the right of the court…

Black and white photograph of volleyball players during a game.

This item found on page 65 in the scrapbook is a black and white photograph of ten men standing in front of a volleyball net. The man in the center of the line is holding what appears to be a volleyball. What appears to be a wooden basketball goal is…
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