Browse Items (73 total)

  • Collection: Warren Brunner Collection

This image shows a clipping of a newspaper from Berea, Kentucky. This is an article from the Berea Citizen reprinting an image from 1989 asking for aid in identifying the individuals or why they were in the paper in 1989.

This image shows a single building that has some damage to the road facing facade. The front of the building has a terraced roofline, covering the gabled roof. There is a row of chopped logs piled along a fence next to the building. There is…

This image shows an older man leaning over a grindstone sharpening an axe. He wears a cap, glasses, and a work coat. In the distance there is a building, possibly a barn. There are some animals on the hillside to the right of the image.

This image shows a multicolored horse standing in the middle of a dirt road in the fog. There are fences and trees along the roadside. A barn can be seen in the distance on the right of the image. The back of this image reads "2034-27".

This image shows a curve in Highway 321. This shows the hillside before further construction was completed. The highway is divided by concrete barriers. The left hillside is nearly entirely rock and the sun peaks over the ridges of the nearby…

This image shows a multi-leveled highway. Both levels of the highway are two lane, one way. The lower level of highway goes into a tunnel in the distance. The back of this image reads "2041-3A".

This image shows a single slatted gate to a fenced in area. A barn can be seen in the distance. The corner of a small shed can be seen to the right of the image. Mountains are in the distance. This image reads "45" on the back. This image has a…

This image shows a two-story wooden cabin with a stone chimney and an outside staircase. This cabin uses dovetailing as a jointing method. The cabin, known as the Loom House, belonged to the Mast family. Today it sits in the yard of the Mast Farm Inn…

This image shows another version of the two-story cabin seen in War-Bru-01-007. The cabin, known as the Loom House, belonged to the Mast family. Today it sits in the yard of the Mast Farm Inn in Valle Crucis. A tree that is nearby has limbs in the…

This image shows several large buildings in what appears to be a lumber yard. There are several dozen cars parked in the bottom right of the image. Smoke can be seen coming from large chimney stacks in the distance. There are electrical lines of…
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