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  • Tags: Glenn Causey (1926-2000)

This image shows Glenn Causey (1926-2000) in costume as Daniel Boone at Tweetsie Railroad in front of Engine No. 12. He shows a young boy how to handle his rifle. This photo was on the back of page 12 of the photo album.

This image shows Glenn Causey (1926-2000) portraying Daniel Boone on the set of Horn in the West. He stands with on foot propped on a stump and the other planted on the ground. He looks into the distance as he cradles his rifle in his arms. A…

This image shows Glenn Causey (1926-2000) portraying Daniel Boone presenting a dead bear to two other men in costume on the set of Horn in the West. Other actors feet can be seen in the background. This image was on the back of the fifth page of the…

This image shows actors on stage at Horn in the West. This image shows Glenn Causey (1926-2000) portraying Daniel Boone offering a bear to a man and woman standing in front of a cabin. All are in period costume. The back of this image has a sketch of…

This image shows a group of actors on stage at Horn in the West. Glenn Causey (1926-2000) portraying Daniel Boone holds a taxidermy bear as children and other actors look on. These actors are in period costumes. This photo was on page 2 of the photo…

This image shows an actor from the Horn in the West production posing on top of a mountain. The man, presumably meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin hat, fringed leather jacket, and holding a gun. He is believed to be Glenn Causey.…

This image shows a similar scene from image 238, 246, and 247 in this series. The image shows members of the play Horn in the West posing on a mountaintop, possibly for a publicity photograph. A man in a coonskin hat, possibly playing Daniel Boone,…

This image shows the same men seen in images 244, 245, and 249 of this series. The two male cast members from the Horn in the West production are posing on a large boulder. One of the men, possibly meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin…

This image shows the same men seen in images 244 and 245 of this series. The two male cast members from the Horn in the West production are posing on a large boulder. One of the men, possibly meant to depict Daniel Boone, is wearing a coonskin hat…

This image shows the same actors from images 238 and 241 of this series. This image shows members of the Horn in the West cast posing on top of a boulder. There are three individuals, two men and one woman. The woman is wearing a long dress. One of…
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