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  • Tags: Crathie Shell Guy (1895-1977)

This item is a black and white studio portrait of Sip and Crathie Shell. They are the children of Jim and Callista Thompson Greer Shell (1863-1942). Illegible script on back of stock (see "B" image) possibly reads "A Cat and a Rat."

This image is a portrait of a young girl, identified as Crathie Shell Guy (1895-1977). She is standing in front of a circular woven rug on what appears to be a wooden platform. She is wearing a knee-length dress with dark tights and boots. She has a…

This image is of a man, identified as Ben Thompson, sitting on a bench in what appears to be a park. The man is wearing a suit and loafers. He has a hat sitting next to him on the bench. There are additional benches visible in the background, as well…

This image shows a view of the Jim Shell homestead from above the main house. There appears to be a woman and two children standing on the front walk. One of the children is standing with a light-colored dog. The donor indicates them to be Callie…

This image is of two women and three children sitting at a table. One of the children is an infant. There are bowls and tea cups on the table. There appears to be a floral print wallpaper behind the group. The back of the photograph states "Hattie…

This image shows six men and two children standing by a steam sawmill. There are logs and wooden planks surrounding the group. They appear to be standing in a wooded area with a house on the hill in the background. According to the donor the sawmill…

This image is of a young girl identified as Crathie Shell. She is standing in a fenced area surrounded by chickens. There appears to be additional livestock in the background. There are also several buildings, mainly farm buildings, in the…

This image is of a baby, identified as Crathie Shell, wearing light-colored clothing and sitting up. It appears that there is a light-colored back drop behind the baby. The photograph details are difficult to make out due to extensive fading. The…

This image is of several buildings on what appears to be a rural farm. There is a dirt road, identified as Bethel Road, running down the middle and a fenced-off area to the right. The fence appears to be around the same house as in image 045. There…

This image appears to be the same as image 030, except the cardboard stock is in better condition. This image shows two women, three men, a young boy and young girl. In front of the group is what appears to be a three guns leaned together in a…
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