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  • Tags: Sam J. Ervin

This item is a newspaper clipping featuring an image of Sam J. Ervin. The caption indicates it to be from the Watauga Democrat, but the date is unknown. In the background are several Watauga County residents listed below the image; Ward Carroll,…

This item is a pencil drawing of Sam J. Ervin Jr. that he has signed across the bottom in blue ink. Ervin is wearing a suit and holding a large book in his lap. This item is found on the right on page 35 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled…

This item is a printed schedule for Senator Sam J. Ervin's campaign. It is dated March 19-25, 1968. The caption indicates that we (presumably in reference to Rufus Edmisten) traveled over 15,000 miles. This item is found at the top of page 41 in…

This item is a black adn white photograph of Sam J. Ervin, Rufus Edmisten, and "Mr. Baker" seated at a table. There is a gavel and microphone in front of Sam J. Ervin. This item is on the bottom of page 60 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled…

This item is a print of a color oil painting done by Marcos Blahove in Winston Salem, NC. The painting is of Sam J. Ervin talking on the telephone. This item is found on the right on page 42 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled "Birth-Appointment on…

This item is a notice from a newspaper indicating October 28th to be Sam Ervin Day in Watauga County. The caption at the top indicates this is from the Watauga Democrat on October 24, 1968. This item is found on the bottom right on page 43 in Rufus…

This item is a black and white photograph of two women and three men. Rufus Edmisten is on the far left, standing next to Sam J. Ervin. All but Sam Ervin are holding a plaque. They are dressed in formal attire. This item was found on the bottom on…

This item appears to be a business card for Rufus Edmisten. It notes him as counsel and also indicates Sam J. Ervin and the US Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. This item is found on the top right of page 50 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook…

This item is a newspaper clipping showing Rufus Edmisten with three other people. The caption indicates that Edmisten, representing Sam J. Ervin was at the Sandburg Home Ceremony. They all appear to be looking at a photograph or binder. This image is…

This item is a black and white photograph of Senator Sam Ervin and Rufus Edmisten in leather chairs in what appears to be a courtroom. Both are wearing suits. This item is found on the bottom right on page 28 in Rufus Edmisten's scrapbook labeled…
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