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  • Tags: Calendars

This item is a small pocket calendar. It measures 3 by 7 centimeters. There is a page for every month of the year 1914. The front cover shows the date and two children holding something between them. It is a black and white cover.


This item is a color postcard of a bear with his tongue out. On the back of the postcard is a 1968 Calendar of Events on Grandfather Mountain in Linville, NC. The calendar starts April 1st and lists nine events before the November 15th season ending.

This image shows a female butcher labeling meat as she wraps it in plastic while wearing a Quality Tender hat. In front of her is a pile of already packaged meat and to her left lies unpackaged meat. The wall features a calendar and a packaging…

This image shows a bank working standing behind a counter with both a small gate and glass in front of it. There is a typewriter beside him with a small calendar sponsored by Todd's Esso Station above it showing April 1952. In the background, an open…

This item is a calendar of the year 1912. It features a black and white photograph of a house with a wrap around porch and picket fence on top of a stone wall. Below the photograph is a collection of small monthly calendars beginning with May. There…

This image shows a male store clerk in an apron standing in front of what appears to be a scale that sits behind a raised counter. A box of Kabnet Wax sits on top of the scale. A calendar is visible in the upper right corner of the image. Glass doors…

This image shows a male mechanic standing beside various car parts. He is resting his arm on a car door that has been removed from a car. In the same hand, he is holding a cigarette. Behind him is a pile of old car parts. Hanging on the wall behind…

This image shows a contraption that appears to be able to tell the time, day, month, season, and year. It features various clock faces and a large wheel on several posts. Trees and a grassy area can be seen behind the clock or calendar. This slide…

This image shows a man sitting at a desk overflowing with documents. A shelf behind the man is also stacked with paper and books. A phone can be seen on the desk in the bottom right of the image and a typewriter is visible in the middle left of the…

This image shows a woman leaning against a receipt maker that sits under two boxes on a counter. On the counter below the receipt maker is a newspaper open to the comics page. Above the receipt maker multiple calendars can be seen attached to the…
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