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  • Tags: Future Farmers of America

This item is a black and white photograph of Rufus Edmisten (far right) another student and a man. The man is wearing a tie for Future Farmers of America. Both of the students have ribbons on their jackets. This is the only image on page 18 of the…

This item is a brief newspaper clipping announcing that Rufus Edmisten is writing a story for publication. Presumably the story referenced is that seen in item 050 of this series about conservation. This item was found in the middle of the bottom…

This item is a newspaper clipping of an article about conservation that was written by Rufus Edmisten. It was noted to be a condensed version of the speech he gave at the Future Farmers of America convention. He was a senior at the time of the…

This newspaper clipping shows an image of Rufus Edmisten talking with other Future Farmers of America officers and winners. The caption indicates the photograph was taken at the annual district luncheon. This item was found in middle of the bottom…

This newspaper clipping from May 8 in Boone highlights Rufus Edmisten winning an award for a beef judging contest at the Young Folks Day celebration for Future Farmers of America. The item was found on the far left, third row in the Rufus Edmisten…

This item is a newspaper clipping summarizing Rufus Edmisten's win at the district public speaking contest in Asheville, NC. He was to compete in the state contest in Raleigh in June. This item is found on the second row, far right in the Rufus…

This item is a newspaper clipping featuring the Daniel Boone Chapter of Future Farmers of America. The article mentions a harvest of 2 acres of potatoes. Rufus Edmisten is listed as the recently elected president of the chapter. This item was found…

This item is a newspaper clipping featuring a photograph of Rufus Edmisten. The article summarizes that he won an award in the beef judging contest at the Future Farmers of America contest in South Carolina. This item was found on the far left,…

This item is a black and white photograph from a newspaper clipping. The caption reads "State winners in F. F. A. Public Speaking Contest." Rufus Edmisten is third from the left. The item is located at the top left in the Rufus Edmisten scrapbook…

A Watauga High School student poses for a photograph while holding a framed certificate. He wears a tie and a navy blue jacket with a Future Farmers of America crest sewn onto its left side. His name is embroidered on the jacket, and it appears to…
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