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  • Tags: Choirs

This picture was in a sleeve with text that reads, "Together." This picture shows a children's choir standing on a theater stage at Appalachian State Teachers College. The singers are split into two groups and there is a piano in the center. A man in…

In this photo, a church choir sings in a church. Whoever they are singing to cannot be seen in the picture. They are reading and singing from choir books. One choir member, a man, is directing the choir.

In this photo, a church choir sings in a church to a crowd not seen on camera. They are reading and singing from church choir books in their hands. Both men and women are seen in the choir. It is possible this was taken during the Christmas holiday…

This image is of the ladies of the Glendale Springs Presbyterian Church choir standing in white choir robes next to a woman seated at a piano. The original envelope had been labeled "Glendale Springs Presbyterian Church, 11-55, 8 negs, 6 each 8x10…

This image depicts a newspaper clipping from the Journal and Sentinel. At the top of the clipping, "Music, Community, Journal and Sentinel June 24, 1951 N" is written in pencil. The clipping includes two images and the article "50,000 Expected to…

This image was contained in a folder labeled "Graduation ASTC 5-56." This picture shows Dr. D. Hiden Ramsey standing at a podium and delivering a speech. He is dressed in PhD graduate regalia and there is a microphone on both sides of him. Below the…

This image depicts a newspaper clipping from The News and Observer. At the top of the clipping "Drama-Outdoor. "Horn in the West' The News and Observer Raleigh, N.C. June 15, 1952" is written in pencil and "Horn in the west (Historical drama). N" is…

This is a black and white image of the Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hill wedding in May 1957. This image shows the interior of a church, taken from what appears to be a second story. Pews full of individuals can be seen, as well as people standing at the…

This item is a color portrait of a woman standing at what appears to be a wooden pulpit. There are people sitting in pews behind her wearing what seem to be choir robes. A large mural showing hands in prayer is behind the pews. It is reported that…

This is a church directory for Oak Grove Baptist Church in 1970. The first page shows the church's name, a picture of the church building, the location of the church, and the year of the directory. On the second page, the pastor, Pastor Hemphill, has…
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