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  • Tags: John F. Ward (1863-1947)

This image shows a picture of the Ward family sitting outdoors. There are four children pictured, one an infant. The handwritten caption below reads "This is a picture of the Ward family before they moved to the storehouse. Dollie, on her mother's…

This image shows the middle of three printed stamps attached to a single page. This stamp reads "Pay The Watauga County Bank, Boone, N. C. Order John Ward." This is labeled as a bank stamp.

This image shows a floorplan sketch of the Ward's General Store. The handwritten caption below this image reads "A mild example of the fabulous claims made for patent medicines such as Golden Medical Discovery." Underneath the floorplan there is a…

This image shows the two-over-two window style on the outside of John Ward's store. A window can be seen near the ground suggesting a basement. The handwritten caption underneath the image reads "Fig. 8"

This image shows a stone retaining wall along to edge of the Ward Store. This wall was built to "stabilize the roadbed" that was created after the Ward additions to the building moved the previous roadway. The handwritten caption underneath the image…

This image shows the front porch of John Ward's store. Three doors can be seen along the porch, one going into the main building and one each for the ware rooms. The handwritten caption underneath the image reads "Fig. 7". According to the essay, the…

This image shows three men and one dog standing in the snow on a hillside next to John Ward's Store. All men wear boots and hats along with thick coats. Across the river, seen in the distance on the right, trees covered in snow can be seen. The…

This image shows the storehouse in which the Ward family would have lived while the Ward Store was operational. The family moved here in the Fall of 1899 and made continual adjustments between 1900 and 1915. The handwritten caption underneath the…

This image shows a dammed portion of the river. There is a handwritten caption underneath that reads "Go east on the old turnpike from John Ward's Store and, in a quarter of a mile or so, you come to Ward's sawmill and the milldam."

This image shows a receipt with a paid stamp for August 15, 1913. The stamp also reads "Virginia & Southwestern R.R." This was paid for by John Ward at the Butler station of the Virginia & Southwestern Railway Company.
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