Browse Items (28 total)

  • Tags: Lace

This image is of a young woman and an infant child, identified as Hattie Greer Greene and her daughter, Trocia Greene. They are sitting in what appears to be a grassy field. Hattie has large flowers on the collar of her dress and in her hair and lace…

This image is of a woman with a handheld expandable fan in one hand and holding a table with the other. The table appears to be the same as the one in images 063 and 077. The women is wearing a long light-colored dress with lace trimmings. There is a…

This item is a black and white studio portrait of a man and woman. The woman is wearing a long lace dress with ruffles and holding a hat covered with flowers. Handwritten on the back is "Abner Farthing (1874-1900) Hattie Greer circa 1896." An arrow…

This image shows a couple, possibly W. W. and Emma Mast, posing for a photograph with a cake. It appears that they are at a celebration honoring them, as they are both wearing corsages. The cake appears to read "Happy Anniversary." She is wearing a…

This item is a black and white photograph of three women standing outside a brick building. The young woman in the middle is wearing a white dress. The two women standing on either side of her are wearing long dark-colored dresses and hats. The woman…

This item is a black and white photograph of two young women surrounded by vegetation. It appears as though the women are possibly in a garden. They are holding hands and one woman has a lace collar on her dress. This photograph is on the left in the…

This image shows a group of people, likely W. W. and Emma Mast and their children, posing for a photograph at a celebration. It appears to be the same celebration of their anniversary seen in item 024 of this series. There is a cake on the table in…

This image is a photocopy of a newspaper article, most likely from the Watauga Democrat, titled "Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mast Feted On Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary." The image in the article, showing W. W. and Emma Mast at the celebration, appears earlier…
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